2017-06-30T17:22:47+00:00 28/06/2017|Recent News|

The outer adorning of Zvartnoc temple is rich with many examples of decorative patterns. Floral, animal, geometrical as well as secular and spiritual types of ornaments have been used here.

The sculptures of the supporters and masters of the temple are placed in the triangular space between the temple’s window bows. Out of 32 sculptures only 9 have been saved and only 7 of them are in good condition. On one of them “Johan” annotation in Armenian is saved, which is suggested to be the name of the architect.

Stepan Mnacakanyan recurred to the sculptures of Zvartnoc in his “Zvartnoc and its’ monuments” book, considering them a unique phenomenon in architecture and statuary.

As a matter of fact, in the sculptures of Zvartnoc people are presented with building tools in their hands. A special emphasis is put on their clothes. One of the sculptures which is more or less preserved, presents a man with a hood, which is a proof that he might be a clergyman. That is the only sculpture, on which “Johannes” is engraved. This fact, however, does not mean that only on that sculpture a name was engraved, as the edges of other sculptures are broken and there is no possibility to find out whether there have been other annotations or not.

What concerns building tools, two types of hammers and a spade are depicted. Each of the sculptures is different and none of them is like the other. Preserving the stylistic unification, sculptures could transfer unique features and emphasize the uniqueness of each of them.
In vocational literature it is a widely accepted opinion that the builders of the temple are depicted on it.

The ancient traditions of Armenian architecture are thickened in Zvartnoc temple. The monument built in Araratyan field was seen from the nearest 10 villages. It was overflown with bright sunbeams, giving an additional beauty to the sculptures.

Although most of the gorgeous sculptures are in the list of unreleased fragments, the temple enraptures with its’ beauty even today.