The directorate of “Protection service” NCSO paid a working visit to Gegharkunik region. NCSO’s director Ara Tarverdyan and deputy director Karen Pahlevanyan together with the head of the region Gnel Sanosyan presented the functions of the organization and the main problems arising during the work.
In the words of A. Tarverdyan there are more than 4000 monuments in the region and the heads of most of the regions are not informed what a monument is and about its protection zone. Often most problems are caused because of land allocations. Taking into consideration this circumstance NCSO’s directorate plans to share discs involving legislative information and flyers telling about the region’s monuments.
A.Tarverdyan asked the head of Gegharkunik region to control the cooperation of the heads of regions and monument guards.
“I highly appreciate the protection of cultural values and welcome your work. The region is really rich with cultural heritage. We will work together and will do our best to minute achievements as a result of the cooperation with the heads of communities”, mentioned the regional governor Gnel Sanosyan in his speech.
A session of regional council will be arranged, in which 57 heads of communities will take part. Governor Sanosyan suggested being present at the session and discussing the problems there.
The head of Gegharkunik region mentioned that he will send appropriate circulars to the heads of the communities.
“New working demands are put in front of you. You should be well informed about the legislation and monuments under your protection. The regional service will acquire new technical equipments in the nearest future and with the help of drone will have the opportunity to learn about monuments condition”.
NCSO’s director appealed to monument guards on implementing explanatory works in public to evade possible offences. He also mentioned about the necessity of turning Lchashen’s temple into a museum-reserve.
The heads of the communities are also responsible for the monuments protection. Talking with the heads of communities within this context A.Tarverdyan said: “Your knowledge about legislation should be so good that the village elder talks to you with attention and refer to your work with respect”.
The head of the organization also gave information to the employees of the regional service about the meeting with Gegharkunik’s regional governor Gnel Sanosyan.