It is located in Vayots Dzor region, on the left bank of the Arpa river, in a high place, about 1 km west of Gndevaz village.

According to historian Stepanos Orbelyan, Gndevank was founded by Princess Sophia /Sopi/ of Syunik in the 10th century as a hermitage. It was named Gndevank after Father Supan Gnduni. The monument group is a structure of the 10-17th centuries, which consists of St. Stepanos Church, the gavit, the refectory, the cemetery, the residental and economic buildings, the monastery water canal. It is fenced.

Gndevank has been renovated over time. It is known that in 1309 the church was renovated by Gregory/Grigores/, in 1691 by Petros churchman, the inscription of which is preserved on the western wall of the church. In 1875 churchman Hovhannes Ter-Harutyunyan, who lived in the monastery, cleaned and improved it, then the monastery was renovated by churchman Petros, the abbot of the village of Tatev.

The renovation of the monument /church, vestibule/ began in 1968, which was completed in 1971. In addition to the renovation, some small-scale improvement work has been carried out. The museum was founded in 1970, which was later dissolved.