2018-03-21T09:30:01+00:00 19/03/2018|Recent News, Publications|

Qashatagh’s geological museum was founded on May 18, 1996 on the international day of museums. In the collection of the museum are included objects and archaeological materials found as a result of regional excavations.

This museum has unique samples of Kura-Araxes culture.


Significant are cultural values typical to 9-5th centuries B.C found during Keren’s mausoleums’ excavations. Parallel with unique crockery typical to Kharabakh region, polished, anthropoid vessels are also preserved in the museum, which are the evidence of the high craftmanship level of the population. Among the most attractive collections of the museum are the unique ornaments made of semiprecious stones excavated from the tumulus of the same epoch.


All in all there are 5600 samples in the museum. Rich archaeological, historical and ethnographic material, old Armenian carpets are presented. In the section of fine arts visitors are attracted by the hall devoted to the Great patriotic war and Artsakh’s heroic battles. Separately the transmigration PROCESS OF Qashatagh is presented.

The museum has an exhibition hall in Tsitsernavanq community as well.


The purpose of the museum is to present the old Armenian culture through archaeological, historical, ethnographic collections.

Qashatagh’s geological museum is already a well-formed historical-cultural institution, which gives the opportunity to have a certain idea about Qashatagh’s historical past and future.

Interesting meetings are held in the museum, discussions over ethnographic, archaeological and other themes. During 2018 a number of cultural and scientific projects will be implemented.